Mail Settings correct, but Authentication failed

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Mail Settings correct, but Authentication failed

Post by fearmydesign »

Hi there, so I'm trying to setup the Mail Settings under Global Settings, and although I've done this hundreds of times before, I can't seem to figure out why these particular settings are not working.

I will put my CMSMS details last here. So I want to setup my Mail Settings for FormBuilder using an SMTP connection. I have an Exchange Office365 email acct, and they are giving me all the correct settings. These are their settings

Server name:
Port: 587
Encryption method: TLS

I'm adding everything the exact same, along with my username and password, but when I test, it keeps giving me this error: "SMTP Error: Could not authenticate" ???

Has anyone had a similar problem using their Exchange 365 smtp setttings with the CMSMS Mail Settings? Thank you

Version Status Action Active
AdminSearch 1 Installed Uninstall
CMSContentManager 1.1 Installed Uninstall
CMSMailer 5.2.4 Installed Cannot Uninstall
DesignManager 1.1.1 Installed Uninstall
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MenuManager 1.50.2 Installed Uninstall
MicroTiny 2.0.2 Installed Uninstall Depends on: FileManager
ModuleManager 2.0.1 Installed
Navigator 1.0.2 Installed Uninstall
News 2.50.3 Installed Uninstall
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Re: Mail Settings correct, but Authentication failed

Post by fearmydesign »

Still trying to figure this out.

I called GoDaddy about our Email Exchange 365 account, but they just reconfirmed I had the correct settings and said they couldn't help any further :-\

I have tried all different combinations of the settings, hoping one will work (as the main settings don't), but this didn't work either.

Server name:
Port: 587
Encryption method: TLS

I also tried setting this up using a different email address I have with GoDaddy but not exchange, it uses the secureserver email settings, and this works... so I know it's working, but why isn't it accepting my exchange email settings?

If you have other suggestions as to what I can try please let me know, it will be greatly appreciate it. In the mean time I will continue to think about this and post any updates.

Thanks again for your help.
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Re: Mail Settings correct, but Authentication failed

Post by velden »

I set up a test install for you and can confirm it works:
Could send a test-mail to an email address OUTside the specific Office 365 domain and received it within seconds.

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