Cannot add new page, redirected to 404 error page

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Cannot add new page, redirected to 404 error page

Post by Jos »

I have a site running on CMSms since july 2006. It frequently has had it's updates to newer CMSms versions without significant problems.

The site has quite static content, but uses modules like News and CGCalendar intensively. That's why I don't know when this issue has started, probably a long time ago.

The problem is this:
When I want to add a new page, I see the "Add New Content" page for just a second, then I get redirected to the site's own 404 error page. Even with debug turned on!

There is no problem when I edit an exisiting page.

There is also no problem when I entirely delete the page of content-type "error page". After that I can add a page just fine.

I did my search on the forum and encountered this topic: ... =8&t=36272

Exacly the same problem is described there.
Klendino's solution gave me no joy. I deleted the records 'enablecustom404', 'custom404', 'custom404template' from the 'siteprefs' table but the issue is still there.

I don't want to try K Richardson's solution for obvious reasons...

My guess is that it has something to do with the preview panel, but I cannot explain why.

How can I get rid of this redirect without having to delete my custom 404 error-page?


Cms Version: 1.10.3

Installed Modules:

CMSMailer: 2.0.2
FileManager: 1.2.0
MenuManager: 1.7.7
ModuleManager: 1.5.3
News: 2.12.3
Search: 1.7
DebugSwitch: 0.0.3
CGExtensions: 1.28.1
CGCalendar: 1.9.4
NMS: 2.3.8
Gallery: 1.5.3
FormBuilder: 0.7.2
FormBrowser: 0.4.1
CGSmartImage: 1.8.1
CMSPrinting: 1.0
MicroTiny: 1.1.1

Config Information:

process_whole_template: false
output_compression: false
max_upload_size: 50000000
default_upload_permission: 664
url_rewriting: internal
query_var: page
image_manipulation_prog: GD
auto_alias_content: true
locale: nld
default_encoding: utf-8
admin_encoding: utf-8
set_names: true

Php Information:

phpversion: 5.2.17
md5_function: On (True)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: On (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: Off (False)
memory_limit: 256M
max_execution_time: 900
output_buffering: 4096
safe_mode: Off (False)
file_uploads: On (True)
post_max_size: 768M
upload_max_filesize: 768M
session_save_path: /PHP5/temp_sessiondata (0777)
session_use_cookies: On (True)
xml_function: On (True)

Server Information:

Server Api: cgi-fcgi
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysql)
Server Db Version: 5.1.48

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Re: Cannot add new page, redirected to 404 error page

Post by Rolf »

Humm Jos, haven't seen this before... :-\

Have you checked the PHP error_log already?
And do you have other websites at this host?

And at the moment I can't think of anything that could explain this behaviour. Will keep on 'thinking'... if I have any lead, I will let you know.

grtz. Rolf
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Re: Cannot add new page, redirected to 404 error page

Post by Jos »

Hi Rolf,

thanks for your reply.

I have no php errorlog available. I just did a fresh installation in a subdirectory on the same host, and it all works flawless there, like we are used to :D

I forgot to mention the url that I get redirected to:
" ... IEW_PAGE__"

Now I also remember why I thought it has something to do with the preview panel ;)

I'll start checking for differences between the two installs :-\
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Re: Cannot add new page, redirected to 404 error page

Post by Mieszko »

I have encountered the same issue, too.

Like Jos I don't know when this started to happen as the site in question is online for long and fairly static as well. And yes ... when removing the 404 error page it works. My workaround so far: I just copy an existing site and rename it. Not a perfect solution... but works for now.

Curious what's going on.
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Re: Cannot add new page, redirected to 404 error page

Post by Jos »


I compared the two config files but didn't find a setting that causes this issue, so it isn't in the config.

Then I restored a recent backup of the "problemsite" to the working one. Then the same issue occurs, so I guess there might be some data-inconsistency??
I don't know how to trace that down, haven't the slightest idea what to look for...
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Re: Cannot add new page, redirected to 404 error page

Post by calguy1000 »

when you click on the 'add new content' link you see the form for adding a new content page for just a moment and then it 'redirects' to the page=__CMS_PREVIEW_PAGE__ ??

if this is correct then I would suspect an issue with the corruption of the editcontent.php file, or another php file that results in some invalid html code.

please do a system verification.

Also, check disk space... and clear the cache. it may also be a case where there are some errant 'preview' files sitting around in the tmp/cache directory.

And lastly, just in case, check your config.php previews_path to make sure it is set correctly.

If all of this stuff still does not resolve the issue, then I would need to ftp/ssh in to the server to add some debug statements to see what is happening.
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Re: Cannot add new page, redirected to 404 error page

Post by Jos »

calguy1000 wrote:when you click on the 'add new content' link you see the form for adding a new content page for just a moment and then it 'redirects' to the page=__CMS_PREVIEW_PAGE__ ??
Yes, that's exactly what happens
calguy1000 wrote:if this is correct then I would suspect an issue with the corruption of the editcontent.php file, or another php file that results in some invalid html code.

please do a system verification.
Did that when I started my search, result:
6 Files Not found
Files Not found:

Also re-uploaded the entire admin directory, after deleting it first.
Note that a fresh installation in a subdirectory on the same server works fine, but the error on that installation also occurs after I filled the tables with the same data as the "problemsite"
calguy1000 wrote:Also, check disk space... and clear the cache. it may also be a case where there are some errant 'preview' files sitting around in the tmp/cache directory.
Disk space is not a problem, just today I added numerous photos to the gallery. Cache was cleared lots of times and also did this via ftp as well as via admin, but no change on the subject.
calguy1000 wrote:And lastly, just in case, check your config.php previews_path to make sure it is set correctly.
previews_path was not set in the fresh install of 1.10.3 and while checking for differences in both config files, I commented it out for the "problemsite". Now I uncommented it again and checked the path. Seems allright to me...
calguy1000 wrote:If all of this stuff still does not resolve the issue, then I would need to ftp/ssh in to the server to add some debug statements to see what is happening.
Thanks for your assistance.. I will try to do some extra tests myself, before to bother you further. I more and more believe there is some kind of inconsistancy in the database and that this is not a CMSms issue.

If I get stuck, I'll send you a pm how to access the site/server.
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