Announcement: New module Script Deploy

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Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by n5zap »

Howdy!  This looks like great work, but I cannot figure out what the heck to do with it.  Are there instructions?  Do I need to cut and paste my scripts in, or can they be uploaded somewhere?  I've read the help, but outside of the line that says "Wirte your scripts, set the order and ScriptDeploy will do the rest" I cannot make heads or tails of anything. 
JeremyBASS wrote: the new version is out.. 1.7.6

Many Bug fixes

Added drag and drop for groups see

slimed down the hold thing and cut all fat.  60% smaller !
(and note there is all those extra things that have cooming soon.. and still 60% lighter!)


@Cherry  I'm so sorry I forgot to fix the admin root before I pushed it out. I'll take care of that in the next push which will be shortly
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Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by luminous »

Had a similar issue when I first started to use it:

An example call to a css stylesheet from within Layout->Template:
{ScriptDeploy groupID="1" Stype="CSS"}

Then, in script deploy just open up a new CSS script, and paste in your stylesheet.  Remember to change all file references to {{root_url}} not [[root_url]] as you will have had to do in the core module.

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by kendo451 »

Hey this new version works great with one issue.

After you change a script the first time you reload the page that calls the script, you get a 500 error.  Then upon refreshing, it is ok.

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by JeremyBASS »

Hmm.. I think I saw that last night.. I'll be looking into that.. it was tested on 1.9.x and something changed so I have to make some other adjustments ... one of which is that group BR you made.. I'll get a fixed copy out shortly... tk -Jeremy

ScriptDeploy vs. mod_pagespeed : Which is Faster?

Post by kendo451 »

Jeremy how do you think ScriptDeploy stacks up against Google's mod_pagespeed?

It looks to me like mod_pagespeed is doing exactly what ScriptDeploy does with one major drawback: the caching isn't as intelligent as ScriptDeploy.


Intro to Google's mod_pagespeed

Detailed Explanation of mod_pagespeed Filters

I wonder if ScriptDeploy reduces the workload for mod_pagespeed?
Last edited by kendo451 on Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by JeremyBASS »

To be honest, I looked at that.. here was my thought.. it's over done and hard to control to get a good constant gain.  It should be noted that I use tricks to that this doesn't, like preloading of images, (I use supersizer and png optimizer to reduce images. thou I have been thinking of a way to add on to SD when supersizer plugin is present so look to the future for that.) .. I have thought about doing one the other thing ScriptDeploy doesn't do and that is strip out inline code.  But it'd be way more robust then just strip and put in a file.. it's be a wizard type walk thru was the thought..  And since we work in module form  mod_pagespeed and cmsms, wp etc  and on will be a force fit in imho.

In short.. since ScriptDeploy does most all of it, and the only thing you need to add on is some .htaccess rules for E-Tags and cache time, I wouldn't use both.. it's just a waste of server time.  Scriptdeploy is more passive done before a request where possible and mod_pagespeed Filters is more on request.  Here is a thought to note.. can  most cmsms’ers  install ScriptDeploy?  I'm betting yes.  Are most going to be able to install mod_pagespeed Filters, my bet is no. 

But I'll be happy to see if there is anything the I can reproduce in there… I’m always looking for good fits.. and I have a list of things to do with it.. The malware protection was big for me.. don’t want js intrusion attacks now.  The severing from subdomain was important to me so I could gain even more speed then the mod_pagespeed Filter would allow for..
But I’m always open to ideas.. :D  tk for bring this up.. tk and Cheers - Jeremy

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by uniqu3 »

Hi Jeremy,

i have bumped in a problem on latest update of ScriptDeploy, now i have no idea is there some misconfiguration of my permission and owner settings or is it something with CMSMS 1.9.1 or error in ScriptDeploy.

This is the error i get displayed if i want to edit any Stylesheet ot JS in ScriptDeploy.
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /www/htdocs/w0085095/blog/modules/ScriptDeploy/lib/class.sdVal.php on line 64

Warning: fopen(/www/htdocs/w0085095/blog/uploads/lib/SD-temp/VAL/scriptID/10.css) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/w0085095/blog/modules/ScriptDeploy/lib/class.sdVal.php on line 67
can't open file
And this is a message if i look at grouped scripts.
string(160) "Smarty error: [in module_file_tpl:ScriptDeploy;editAssignments.tpl line 20]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'ScriptDeploy' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 590)"
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Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by barboni »

I have a strange issue with image preloading in SD, altho I'm not 100% sure if it's SD's fault or mine (just couldn't find where it comes from).
URL's of the preloaded images all got additional extension (, so I get many 404 errors.

What's going on?

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by kendo451 »

@unique3, I had this same problem and solved it.

ScriptDeploy tries to make a folder in your uploads directory called "lib".

Lib will contain subfolders as well.  If you delete a subfolder in an attempt to clear the cache, ScriptDeploy will try to remake the folders.

The problem is that it tests for the subfolder, instead of each folder in the chain.  So if you delete one folder, but not lib, it will try to recreate the lib folder and then generate an error.

I completely deleted the lib folder and ScriptDeploy then re-created the entire directory structure it needed.

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by uniqu3 »

thank you.
i think i have tried creating the structure as described in warning message without success, but i will try it again.

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by kendo451 »

Don't create it.  Delete it.  ScriptDeploy will recreate it.

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by uniqu3 »

Yes i tried both, now at least JS can be edited and my default stylesheet, but still one stylsheet left if i want to open or edit it i get this:
Fatal error: Cannot access parent:: when current class scope has no parent in /www/htdocs/w0085095/blog/modules/ScriptDeploy/lib/class.sdVal.php on line 149
Edit: no idea whats wrong, but even removing that stylesheet and creating new with same content gives me the same error message.
Last edited by uniqu3 on Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by JeremyBASS »

@uniqu3 what is the set up.. I'm a little unclear on what is going down there... but.. try this for the moment.. trun off the validation.

string(160) "Smarty error: [in module_file_tpl:ScriptDeploy;editAssignments.tpl line 20]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'ScriptDeploy' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 590)"
I have that fixed now in the svn.  Along with a few other things.  if you can get me more info I'll try to reproduce and fix the issue.

@barboni you know.. I don't know if I ever accounted for a with the double .tld .. I'll see what I can do.

Cheers -Jeremy

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by JeremyBASS »

Wait.. try this if you can. I seem to have forgoten a change in the last round.. in

modules/ScriptDeploy/lib/class.sdVal.php on line 149

go from




and all should be well..

As far as the folder deal.. I'll try to see what is going down there as well.. tk -J

Re: Announcement: New module Script Deploy

Post by uniqu3 »

@JeremyBass the error when viewing Script grouping persist with validation turned off.
The other problem got automagically fixed by setting fileTime on and clearing the cache for 10x :-)

I will check svn version later on, need to transfer the site to sandobx since at the moment i have 1.8.2 backed up there, just in case  ;)

Edit: ill try the edit from the post above and get back in a sec :-)
Edit 2: well everything works fine so far except for the smarty error in script groups, regarding my setup it's CMSMS 1.9.1 and SD 0.8
Last edited by uniqu3 on Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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