A few questions about MLE

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A few questions about MLE

Post by jezzdk »

I installed the MLE with success, although I have a few things I'd like to tweak.

Option to disable a language completely until everything is ready - Is this already possible?

Force a default language when entering the site - It automatically displays the english version (because my system is english?) even though the content is not ready

Option to disable language prefix in pretty urls for DEFAULT language - Ex http://domain.com/eng/test-page -> http://domain.com/test-page

If anyone (Alby?) could help me with these three things I will be forever grateful!


Re: A few questions about MLE

Post by Peciura »

Option to disable a language completely until everything is ready - Is this already possible?
What do you mean to disable language ? If you want simply not to show language menu (flags of languages) - comment tag "{lang}"  like "{*lang*}". Tell more what do you expect from partially disabled language?
Force a default language when entering the site - It automatically displays the english version (because my system is english?) even though the content is not ready
You have explicitly set default language, otherwise first available language is used.
Tick "Force initial calling to DEFAULT_LANG:" and "Show from DEFAULT_LANG if current lang is not ready:" in "Site Admin » Global Settings » MLE settings" and
set default language in "Site Admin » Global Settings » MLE languages".
If no luck - post screenshots to forum.
Option to disable language prefix in pretty urls for DEFAULT language - Ex http://domain.com/eng/test-page -> http://domain.com/test-page
If you manage to set default initial language, and pretty urls to work it should be easy to modify ".htaccess" file to omit default lang prefix.
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Re: A few questions about MLE

Post by jezzdk »

"{lang}"  like "{*lang*}". Tell more what do you expect from partially disabled language?
Imagine I have a lot of languages, and I want to enable them as the content get translated. I want to disable a single language, so the user is not able to see/click the flag in the list on the front end, until I enable it. It should still be available in the admin interface. This should be fairly easy to implement.
You have explicitly set default language, otherwise first available language is used.
Tick "Force initial calling to DEFAULT_LANG:" and "Show from DEFAULT_LANG if current lang is not ready:" in "Site Admin » Global Settings » MLE settings" and
set default language in "Site Admin » Global Settings » MLE languages".
If no luck - post screenshots to forum.
This worked. I think I might've had a session going or something.
If you manage to set default initial language, and pretty urls to work it should be easy to modify ".htaccess" file to omit default lang prefix.
I'm no expert, so if you have an example or can help me out on this, I'd appreciate it :)

Re: A few questions about MLE

Post by Peciura »

Imagine I have a lot of languages, and I want to enable them as the content get translated. I want to disable a single language, so the user is not able to see/click the flag in the list on the front end, until I enable it. It should still be available in the admin interface. This should be fairly easy to implement.
Bear in mind that this mod is not supported by anybody except you.

1. Download attachment, rename to "function.lang1.php" and place in "/plugins" directory.
2. Write languages that page is translated to to "Extra Page Attribute 1:", e.g. 'en_US,it_IT,ru_RU'
3. In template replace tag "{lang}" with code

Code: Select all

{capture assign='lang_extra'}{$content_obj->GetPropertyValue('extra1')}{/capture}
{lang1 lang_extra=$lang_extra}
If you are using field "Extra Page Attribute X:" also change 'extra1' to 'extraX'
I'm no expert
Me too :)

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